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Сценарий "Don't trust flatterers" based on Asop's Fables в написании сценария принимали участие учитель английского языка Лапина Н.Н.,ученики 10 класса - Кабанова А., Бокарева Н.,Безукладов Роман. Консультант: Марко Монтгомери, Jacksonville, США, музыка: Роман Безукладов, 10 класс,












(Звучит музыка. Золушка подметает пол. Входит отец.)

Cinderella (обнимает отца): Good morning, Daddy! I love you!

Father (гладит Золушку по голове): Good morning, dear! How are you?

Cinderella (улыбается): Fine, Daddy, fine. And you?

(Звучит музыка. Входит мачеха с дочерью.)

Stepmother (надменно): We’ll go to the ball today. You, Basil, go away! Cinderella, clean this mess and I want a party dress.

Stepsister (прихорашивается перед зеркалом): And I want a dress.

Stepmother (бросает на пол вещи): Cinderella, clean this mess! You can’t go to the ball, until you do this all (дает ей длинный список домашних дел).

Stepsister (хихикая): No, you can’t go to the ball, until you do this all!

(Звучит музыка. Мачеха с дочерью уходят.)

Cinderella (читает вслух): Clean the house, wash the blouse, make food... Oh, it’s not good (плачет).


(Золушка плачет. Звучит музыка. Появляется фея.)

Fairy: Why are you crying, dear, why? Please, don’t cry!

Cinderella (плачет): I can’t go to the ball, because my dress is very old.

Fairy: I can help you. Look at me! Close your eyes. One-two-three! (взмахивает волшебной палочкой)

Cinderella (изумленно смотрит на свое новое красивое платье): I can’t believe this dress is mine! Thank you, fairy, you are so kind.

Fairy (грозит Золушке пальцем): But at twelve o’clock you must be here… or your dress will disappear.

Cinderella (радостно): Oh, yes, it’s clear.


(Звучит музыка. Начинается бал, выходят король, королева, принц, гости.)

Queen (обращается к гостям): The ball is on. Let’s dance and play.

King (обращается к гостям): Let’s have a lot of fun today!

(Звучит музыка. Появляется Золушка в бальном платье. Все смотрят на нее с восхищением.)
Queen (обращается к королю): Look at that girl!

King (восхищенно): She’s so nice and slim!

Prince (подходит к Золушке): Hello! Let’s dance! You are my dream!

(Звучит музыка. Принц и Золушка танцуют. Часы бьют 12.)

Cinderella (испуганно): It’s twelve o’clock and I must run. Bye-bye. I had a lot of fun (Убегает, теряя одну туфельку)!


(Утро. Звучит музыка. Приехали принц со стражей. Мачеха с дочерьми встречают гостей. Золушка накрывает на стол.)

Prince (обращается к мачехе и дочери): We know you were at the ball. Try on this shoe.

Stepsister (раздраженно): Oh, it’s very small!!!

Prince (заметив Золушку): But who is that girl? Come here, please! Try on this shoe, pretty Miss!

Stepmother (возмущенно): But she didn’t go to the ball!!!

Father (принцу): Give her the shoe! Her foot is small.

Prince (встает на одно колено перед Золушкой): I’m happy that I’ve found you! I love you, and I’d like to marry you.

Cinderella (радостно): Oh, yes, my Prince, I love you too.

(Звучит музыка. Все персонажи сказки выходят на поклон.)

The End


Tom Sawyer

                                                                                                  Whitewashing the fence

The cast:

Aunt Polly-







Scene 1

Aunt Polly: Tom! Tom! You-Tom! Wake up! Did you expect to sleep  through Saturday?

Tom: I forgive you, Aunt Polly.

Aunt Polly: You forgive me? I`ll forgive you when you`ve whitewashed that fence like I told you .

Tom: But what about my finger?

Aunt Polly: Your what? Now get up and take your finger with you! Two coats a whitewash, Tom! Do you hear me?

(Jim appears)

Aunt Polly: Jim, get a bucket and fetch the water from town.

Jim: Yes mam.

(Jim and Aunt Polly leaves)

Scene 2

(Tom is painting the fence)

Tom: Hi Jim!

Jim: Hi Tom!

Tom: I`ll fetch the water for you, if you`ll whitewash the fence.

Jim: I can`t Tom. Miss Polly told me to go to town but not to fool around with anybody. She suspected you asking me. That`s why she told me not to do it.

Tom: Oh, never mind! Give me that bucket. She won`t ever know. I`ll give you a marble.

Jim: What a nice marble. But Aunt Polly….

Tom: If you whitewash the fence, I`ll show you my finger.

Jim: your finger!

 (Tom starts to unwind the bandage around his finger. Jim bends over it with interest. Aunt Polly appears unseen by the boys. Jim picks his bucket and runs away. Aunt Polly twists Tom`s ear. He starts to whitewash the fence.)


Scene 3

(Joe appears)

Joe: Hi Tom! What are you doing? Why do you have to work on Saturday?

Tom: Oh, It`s you, Joe.

Joe: I`m going to go swimming. Do you want to come? Oh, no! You would work, wouldn`t you?

Tom: Tom Sawyer likes to work.

Joe: Oh, come on….

Tom: Do you have a chance to whitewash every day?

Joe: Let me whitewash a little.

Tom: Oh no! Aunt Polly is particular about this fence.

Joe: Oh, come on! Just let me try! I`ll give you half of my apple if you let me.

Tom: No!

Joe: I`ll give you the whole apple!

Tom: OK.

(Tom hands over the brush, takes the apple, Joe starts working)

Scene 4

(Billy Fisher appears)

Billy: Hi Joe! What are you doing?

Joe: Tom lets me whitewash to fence for him.

Billy: What do you mean?

Joe: I gave him an apple for a chance to do it.

Billy: Tom, I`ll give you my kite, if you let me whitewash.

Tom: OK.

(Joe hands over the brush, Billy gives a kite to Tom, Joe leaves and Billy starts working)

Scenе 5

(Johny Miller appears)

Johny: Hi Billy! What are you doing?

Billy: Tom lets me whitewash the fence for him.

Johny: What do you mean?

Billy: I gave him my kite for a chance to do it.

Johny: I found a dead rat yesterday. I`ll give you my rat, if you let me do it.

Tom: OK.

(Billy hands over the brush, Johny gives Tom the dead rat, Billy goes away, Johny starts working.)


Scene 6

(Ben appears)

Ben: Hi Johny! What are you doing?

Johny: Tom lets me whitewash the fence for him.

Ben: What do you mean?

Johny: I mean I gave him a dead rat with a string to do it.

Ben: Tom, I`ll give you a piece of chalk if you let me do it.


(Johny hands over the brush, Ben gives Tom a piece of chalk, Johny goes away, Ben starts working, Ben goes away)

Scene 7

(Aunt Polly appears)

Aunt Polly: You can`t be done already.

Tom: But I am.

Aunt Polly: Tom, you can work. Come to the kitchen, a tasty pudding is waiting for you.

играй и скажи.jpg


Действующие лица:

- Трубадур

- Кот

- Пес

- Осел

- Петух

- Принцесса

- Король

- Стражники (2)

- Разбойники (3)

- Ведущие(2)

- Мельник

- Хозяйка кота

- Хозяйка петуха


1 Author: Many years ago there lived a miller. He had an ass. It was nice, clever and strong. The ass worked on the mill for many years, it carried bags with flour. But it became old and the miller pushed him out.

Miller: Go away! Don’t come back! You are old and weak and you can’t help me anymore! Go away!

Ass: Oh! Poor me! What shall I do? I am old and weak. Where shall I go? (садится и плачет) Well. I can go to Bremen town and there I will become a town musician. (встает и идет по дороге)

2 Author: And he did so. He went to Bremen town. On his way he saw a dog. (осел подходит к собаке)

Ass: Why are you breathing so hard? What happened to you?

Dog: Oh, Ass, I am so tired because I was running very hard.

Ass: Why were you running?

Dog: You see, Ass, I lived with a hunter for many years. I ran in the fields and forests and helped him. But now I grew old and my master wants to kill me. Oh, poor me! I ran away and don’t know what to do. (собака плачет)

Ass: Don’t worry, come with me. I am going to Bremen town. We’ll be musicians there. You will sing and play drums and I will play the guitar.

Dog: Oh, great, let’s go! (идут вместе)

1 Author: And so they went together.


Cat’s owner: Bad cat! Why don’t you catch mice anymore? I needn’t such cat in my house. I will drown you in the river.

Cat: Oh, no! (кот убегает)

2 Author: On their way they saw a cat. The cat was very sad. (подходят к коту)

Ass: Why do you look so sad?

Dog: What happened to you?

Cat: Oh, poor me, you see, Dog and Ass, for many years I lived with my mistress and caught mice and rats. But now I grew old, my teeth became weak and my mistress wants to drown me in the river. So I ran away from the house but I don’t know what to do . Who can help me? Oh, poor me. (кот плачет)

Ass: Don’t cry, come with us. We are going to Bremen town.

Dog: Your voice is nice. You will sing and play the violin, Ass will play the guitar and I will play the drums.

Cat: Oh, great, I will go with you. Thank you, my friends. (идут все вместе)

1 Author: And so they went together.


Cock’s owner: Tomorrow many guests will come. I need some food. Good cock, nice, fat cock. The soup will be tasty. (петух садится и плачет)

2 Author: On their way they saw a cock. The cock was very sad.

Ass: What happened to you, cock?

Dog: Why are you crying so bitterly?

Ass: Who offended you?

Cock: Oh, Dog. Oh, Ass. How can I stop crying. Tomorrow many guests will come to my master’s house. They want to kill me and make soup. What can I do? (петух плачет)

Ass: Come with us. We are going to Bremen town and will become town musicians.

Dog: I will play the drums, Cat will sing and play the violin, Ass will play the guitar.

Cat: Your voice is nice. You will sing and play the balalaika.

Cock: OK, friends, I will be happy to go with you. (идут все вместе)

1 Author: They were walking throw the forest and suddenly met a trumpeter. He was going along the road and carrying a large bag.

Ass: Hello, guy, what are you doing in the forest?

Trumpeter: Hello, friends. I am going to Bremen town. I want to organise a group. You see, I have some instruments but no musicians.

Ass, Cat, Dog, Cock: We can help you.

Cock: We are going to Bremen too.

Cat: We want to be musicians too.

Dog: But we have no instruments.

Trumpeter: Take them if you like and let’s go together. (взяли инструменты и идут все вместе)


2 Author: So they went on. Soon the night came and it got dark. Ass and Dog sat under a tree and Cat and Cock sat in the tree. Cock began to look around and he saw a fire.

Cock: Look, there’s a fire in the forest!

Ass: Let’s go and see, maybe it’s a house.

Dog: Maybe there is some meat there. I’d like to eat it.

Cat: Maybe there is some milk there. I’d like to drink it.

1 Author: So they got up and went towards the fire. Very soon they came out to the open field and saw a house there. There was light in the windows. They came up to the house. (подошли к дому, осел встал на пенек и заглянул в окно)

Dog: What is there?

Trumpeter: What can you see?

Ass: I see robbers sitting by the fire. They are sitting at the table, eating and drinking.

Cock: Oh, I am so hungry.

Cat: And I am so thirsty. (2 разбойника сидят за столом, вбегает еще один)

1st Robber: Oh, guys, good news.

Robbers: What? What?

1st Robber: Tomorrow the King will go through the forest. And you know that he has much money.

Robbers: Yes! Great! Wonderful. We like money!

1st Robber: So, look here, tomorrow we will catch the king and take all his money. We will be rich, very rich!

3 Robber: But don’t you know that the King has many guards.

1st Robber: Don’t be stupid, we are not afraid of them. Our attack will be a surprise.

Trumpeter: Have you heard? We must do something. Let’s think of a plan.

(обсуждают план действий, затем вваливаются в дом и кричат не своими голосами, кот – лает, петух кричит по ослиному, собака кукарекает, осел мяукает)

Robbers: Oh, my God! What is it? Help! Help!

(разбойники убегают, а музыканты заходят и садятся за стол, едят и пьют)

Trumpeter: You see, friends, we frightened them very much. I don’t think they will come back. And now let’s have a sleep here. (все ложатся спать)

1 Robber: What was it?

2 Robber: Go and look into the house.

3 Robber: Oh, no, I can’t. I am afraid. (разбойники замахиваются на него, он падает на колени)

3 Robber: Oh, no, please. (выталкивают его)

2 Author: The robber came to the house where the friends were sleeping. He opened the door and came in.

3 Robber: It’s so dark. I see nothing.

(разбойник наступил на кота, тот его поцарапал, убегая, он задел пса, тот укусил его за ногу, петух клюнул в голову, осел ударил копытом)

1 Author: Very frightened he came to his comrades.

Robbers: What is there? Tell us. What did you see?

3 Robber: It was terrible! Horrible giants settled in our house. One of them hurt my face, another cut me with his knife, third bit me upon my back with a large stick. And they shouted “Stop thief!”

Robbers: I am afraid. Let’s go away. (разбойники убежали)


2 Author: In the morning our friends got up. (просыпаются, потягиваются)

Trumpeter: Well, friends, did you hear yesterday what the robbers said?

Cat: They spoke about the King.

Ass: Yes, he will go through the forest.

Trumpeter: Have you seen the Princess, his daughter?

Dog: No, but I heard that she’s very beautiful.

Trumpeter: If only I could marry her.

Cock: Let’s help our friend. (собираются в кружок, все вместе обсуждают план)

1 Author: Very soon the King appeared on the road. His brave guards followed him. (выходит король и его стража)

1 Guard: We are the bravest.

2 Guard: We are the strongest.

All Guards: We are the best guards in the world. (король оглядывается по сторонам)

King: I don’t like this forest. It is dark. And what if there are robbers here?

All Guards: Don’t worry, be happy.

( поют и танцуют под музыку ”Don’t worry”)

King: But look, there is nobody around. If robbers come who will help? I am afraid.

(появляются переодетые в разбойников музыканты, прогоняют стражу и связывают короля, а Трубадур его спасает)

King: Oh, you are my savior. I will make any your wish.

Trumpeter: Oh, I love the Princess. If only I could marry her.

King: You saved my life so I will do as I promised. Let’s go to the palace.

2 Author: Everybody went to the palace where the Princess was waiting.


Princess: Oh, father, what happened to you? Your guards returned home without you.

King: It was terrible. Those robbers. They wanted to kill me and this brave man saved my life.

Trumpeter: Hello, Princess. I am a trumpeter.

Princess: Nice to meet you. Thank you for your help. I am glad to see you.

King: Holiday, holiday, everybody to the party!

(все веселятся и поют)

There is nothing in the world that’s better

Than to travel with your friends wherever.

Those, who are friendly, are not afraid of troubles,

We are glad to travel in the suburbs – (2 times).

Our carpet is the field of flowers,

Our walls are tall trees and spring showers,

Our roof is sky with sun and clouds,

Happiness is friends, without doubts – (2 times).

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